PFSbrands Carla DowdenCarla Dowden

Senior VP – Human Resources



Business Administration-Management, Missouri State University
Personnel Management Program, School of Labor and Industrial Relations, Michigan State University
Disney Approach to Quality Service and Implemented Quality Care Program

How did you arrive here?

I’ve known Julie and Shawn Burcham for about 7 years, with our oldest daughters playing soccer together. I’ve extensive experience as a human resources professional, working in the manufacturing and health care industries. I had the opportunity to work part-time with PFS, and within 30 days I was offered full time employment.

What’s the one problem you are best at solving for your clients?

I am a people person. I want to make sure I am doing all I can to take care and lead people in the right direction. I may not have all the answers to a particular situation or concern, but you can count on me to find the information by research, resources, and hard work.

What would be impossible for you to give up?

Food—I love food! Seriously, I love my job, I enjoy the people I work with, and the work I do, Shawn truly empowers his employees to excel and provides us with so many opportunities. I am very grateful to work for such a dynamic company. My goal, (along with Shawn’s) is to be recognized as one of “the BEST places to work!”

As a child, what did you wish to become when you grew up?

As a kid, I thought I would follow in my father’s footsteps and own and operate a grocery store. Well, it wasn’t to be. Strangely enough, I followed more in my mom’s footsteps in the end.

What’s something most people don’t know about you?

During high school, I was All-State in track and cross-country events. More importantly, I have become very passionate about two charitable organizations: the American Heart Association and the Children’s Miracle Network Hospital. My oldest daughter was born with heart complications, has had 2 surgeries to correct the heart issues and would not be here today without the help of the American Heart Association and Children’s Hospital.

Name a funny/unusual job from your past:

If you want to know how to cut up a whole chicken into pieces, I’m your gal. I worked in the meat department at my father’s grocery store and spent many a day cutting up chickens. Working at Champs Chicken must just be fate! FYI… slicing bologna was another one of my well-honed talents.