Trevor Monnig: Not Your Traditional AccountantTo continue our PFSbrands Senior Leadership Team expert spotlight, we have our CFO Trevor Monnig. For more information, you can read about his background here. Check out how Trevor got started and some other insightful tidbits!

3Q: Can you tell us what you did before landing at PFSbrands?

A: Just prior to joining PFSbrands in the CFO role, I spent 11 years in the same capacity for a multi-state manufacturer and retailer of construction materials.  Going further back, I began my career in auditing right out of college.  Then gained IT and finance experience with DST Systems and Sprint in Kansas City.  I’ve had the privilege to work for many great leaders and managers throughout my professional career that I cannot thank enough for their knowledge and example.

Q: What brought you to PFSbrands?

A: I met Shawn, PFSbrands owner and CEO, at a BBQ. Shawn’s passion for the business drew me in immediately.  A little research and a lunch meeting later, it was clear that the culture at PFSbrands was a perfect fit for me.  The opportunity associated with the 15 year growth pattern sealed the deal for me that it was the right move for me both professionally and personally.

Trevor Monnig: Not Your Traditional Accountant

Q: Tell us about you and your family a bit.

A: I’m a proud husband and father!  My work life balance consists of working hard and playing hard.  I am blessed to have grown up in an environment that taught me hard work will get you everywhere.  I enjoy spending time with my family, golfing, fishing, and tending to a BBQ pit (good things always seem to happen around the BBQ pit).

Q: What is a normal day in the life of Trevor?

A: The only normal parts of my day are getting up early and putting my two daughters to bed.  I like to move fast and have many projects, sometimes too many, going full steam ahead at all times.  The team here at PFSbrands will attest that you will rarely find me at my desk… seriously, ask anyone in the office!  I like to move around and talk to people instead of sending emails or calling someone in the building.

Q: What is the biggest impact you make on bottom-line here at PFSbrands?

A: As CFO, my first thought about any transaction, change in process, or investment is how it will impact our bottom-line this month, year, next year, and years in the future.  However, I think the biggest impact I can make on the bottom-line is sharing knowledge with every employee about what the bottom-line is, how it is calculated, and how we each impact it on a daily basis.  The power of every employee understanding how they impact profitability and giving them a stake in the outcome of those profits is the secret to continued success. I also really enjoy leading our company huddles and teaching all employees about business and personal finance!

Trevor Monnig: Not Your Traditional Accountant

Q: Anything else we didn’t cover you would like to share?

A: I’m often told, “You are not a traditional accountant.”  I’m a sales oriented CFO that believes you have to spend money to make money, while keeping expenses under control of course.  It’s critical to the growth of the company to invest in people and resources that will drive future growth of the company.