So what is actually going on in the foodservice industry the past few weeks? What are the trends? Where is it going? What are some tips to help you take a step in front of the competition? That’s where this industry round up comes into play. As we continue to help you get the latest and greatest tips, we also want to give you the latest industry news. Check out these 5 recent articles that are really something to think on!
Your Foodservice Industry Roundup:
Consumer Trust of In-store Delis Expands
Does your c-store or location have a deli section? This article in Progressive Grocer discusses how a deli can be a real boon for any location especially with the growing trust that consumers have! “While the study revealed that 82 percent of consumers in all three countries at least somewhat agreed that the supermarket deli is a great place for healthy and delicious food, the statement was especially true for American and Canadian consumers.” Check it out here.
Consumer Attitudes Reveal Opportunity for C-Store Foodservice
So what are the latest trends that will allow you to increase your sales? Check out the latest data that depicts what one consumer group is wanting to see more of. For instance, in this CSP Daily article, “But (find out who) they fear the food-preparation area is a disease-ridden mess: “Something in a (factory) package seems safer.” Get the full article here.
Bill to Delay Overtime Changes Clears House
Do you have employees that work overtime? Well, this is definitely a must read for you as the CSP Daily explains, “Retailer, restaurant and other small-businesses groups hailed the passage of the Regulatory Relief for Small Businesses, Schools and Nonprofits Act (HR 6094) as a victory.” Find out exactly how this can affect you! Here it is.
Data: The Happy Meal is vital to McDonald’s success
What options to do you have for children at your location? Many people simply have one option – the regular menu. Find out how McDonald’s has become so successful and why it was partly due to the Happy Meal! Get this, an article in Nation’s Restaurant News said, “In other words, 14.6 percent of customers ordered Happy Meals, according to the Culver City, Calif.-based Sense360 — generating $10 million in revenue per day.” Read the full article here.
Casey’s Sees Consumer Spending Weakness
This Convenience Store News article mentions, “Consumer spending decelerated throughout the quarter. It was partly due to lower farm income in the Midwest [where Casey’s mainly operates].” Could this be explaining any decline in your sales? Get the full article here.