business goals

Game Changing Clarity You Need for Your Business

As an owner and/or manager probably have some ongoing business goals in mind. Some could be as simple as finish the year ‘in the black’ and some more specific to sales metrics most likely. It’s probably also safe to say most companies track their profit metrics on a monthly or even weekly basis (if you’re not… we strongly encourage it).

All of this said, even the most specific or attainable goals really don’t mean much if you don’t publicize them. No need to contact the local papers or TV stations… but you’d be surprised what sharing within your organization can do to help you achieve your goals. According to the Small Business Chronicles you not only are more likely to reach your goals by publicizing them inside your organization but also help build a sense of ownership and camaraderie in the process.

Business Goals

business goals SMARTA simple Google search will give you all you would ever want to know on business goals. As an 8-year Inc. 5000 Fastest Growing Company in America honoree we will take a page from their book (or blog rather) on the business goal topic. Short-term objectives should follow the S.M.A.R.T. methodology.

In short, goals should be specific, measurable, actionable, realistic and time specific.  We find it fun to gamify our goals as part of The Great Game of Business (you can read a lot more from our CEO on his website on this topic).

This summer during the Olympics in RIO we held some games of our own and if our whole team went for the gold level goals…we all got free embroidered PFSbrands jackets! Goal gamification doesn’t always have to be complicated or expensive so don’t overthink it!

PFS business goals


Achieving your goals won’t happen every time… but it will never happen if you don’t set and communicate business goals. Goals don’t have to include flashy graphics or be gamified but you really can’t go wrong using the S.M.A.R.T. goal setting principles. If you are in the foodservice industry and have questions on goal setting for your business, please

If you are in the foodservice industry and have questions on goal setting for your business, please reach out to us and one of our customer success team members will follow-up and get you connected to the appropriate PFSbrands resource.